Todo list, next events, check out documents, ...
Store, organize, secure and share your documents.
Read your emails online and manage filters for a better organization.
Keep connected with your contacts.
Organize and share your meetings.
Workflow approval allow you to assign tasks to other persons.
So members of your team can be alerting by email to have to modify, validate or reread a document.
The enterprise workspace is a common directory accessing by rights to your team members or guests.
You can control easily the rights of your collaborators.

Each Solo licence can share its public space with 4 guests.

In the case of the Asso or Enterprise licence an external person can be invited to share documents into a distinct domain of your public space according to rights of your administrator.
Batch workflows execute manual or automatic processes depending on your rules on one or some documents in same time.
For example you can rename, copy or convert to PDF some documents in same time.
The develpoment kit contains Propheo APIs.
So you can control all your documents from your own applications.
Our technical team helps you to realize your projects.
- Each licence is proposed with a dedicated user space. This space can be move at any time.
- We offer also a global enterprise diskspace (whatever the number of user).
- Please contact us for more details about diskspace pricing.
It is the number of users expected for this plan.
- A monthly or annual membership is necessary to access Propheo. These memberships can be altered at any time.
- Monthly memberships can be cancelled at any time.
- Each membership links a license to a user.
- All the latest software updates are included.










Workflow approval  


Dedicated storage

View schema

View schema

View schema

Batch workflows  



Development  kit



Technical support  


Online storage

1 Gb

2 Gb

5 Gb



3 et +

3 et +



5$ / user / month

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