Propheo Solo provides you will all the tools made for a SMB but tailored to the needs of the self-employed.

You don’t need to carry your forms, documents or multimedia support. Propheo enables you to share and distribute all your files.

Propheo can store Office documents, Html, audio, video and flash. Your files will be accessible and viewable directly for the web interface.
Bring your virtual office with wherever you go
No matter where you are or what time it is, your Propheo desktop will remain the same.

Invite collaborators to share your workspace
Our free version can accommodate up to 4 people in the same environment.
Your contractor, client or colleagues can have a secure restricted access to your workspace, for example.
Propheo pour les travailleurs autonomes
Propheo Solo for self-employed
Keep using tools such as Google apps while using Propheo’s advanced features
Organize all your hypertext links in your Propheo database and access your external applications from a central location.

Propheo advanced features for these kinds of documents include search, alerts and workflows.
Advantages of Propheo
Optimize process
Reduce costs
Secure data
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